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  RED FROG BLACK FROG OBJECTIVE OF RED FROG BLACK FROG:  The objective of Red Frog Black Frog is to beat a certain score to win. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 4 Players MATERIALS:  Standard 52-card deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME :  Fishing Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adult OVERVIEW OF RED FROG BLACK FROG Red Frog Black Frog is a fishing card game for 2 to 4 players. The number of players changes the cards in hand, the cards that score, and how many points are needed to win. The goal of the game is to score points, but players can achieve this by playing cards out of their hand to take and score cards from the table.  Red Frog Black Frog is very similar to Chinese Ten. The only major difference is the scoring section of the game.  SETUP The setup for Red Frog Black Frog differs for different numbers of players. A dealer will shuffle the deck and deal each player their hand. For a 2-player game, a hand of 12 cards is dealt. For a 3-player game, a hand of eight cards is d


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  HAVE A HEART OBJECTIVE OF HAVE A HEART:  The objective of Have a Heart is to have the best hand during the showdown. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 to 7 Players MATERIALS:  Standard 52-card deck, chips, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME:  Poker Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adult OVERVIEW OF HAVE A HEART Have a Heart is a poker style card game for 4 to 7 players. The goal of the game is to craft the best hand possible to win the showdown at the end of the hand. This game however has a special twist involving the heart suit.  Players will ante, bid on their hands, and possibly steal cards from other player’s hands. After the showdown, the player who has the best hand will win the pot. SETUP Players will first place an ante into the pot. This should be determined before the game begins. The dealer will then shuffle and have another player cut the deck. They will deal each player two face-down cards clockwise then a single faceup card. Then the first round of bidding will begin. Card Rankings  The cards r


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  HAZARI OBJECT OF HAZARI:  The object of Hazari is to have the most points at the end of the game.  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  4 players MATERIALS:  A 52-card standard deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME:  Partition Card Game AUDIENCE:  10+ OVERVIEW OF HAZARI Hazari is a 4-player partition game. The goal of the game is to have the most points when the game ends. The game ends when at least 1 player reaches 1000 points. Players gain points by winning cards during gameplay. Cards are won by having the best 3 card combinations for the hand.  SETUP  The first dealer is random and passes to the right for each new round. The dealer shuffles the cards and deals out the whole deck counterclockwise so that each player has a hand of 13 cards.  After receiving their hand’s players will sort and separate their hands into 4 combinations. The first three will be 3 cards each and you want to sort to have the best card combinations (described below) possible. The last combination wil


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  SCHWIMMEN (31) OBJECT OF SCHWIMMEN:  The object of Schwimmer (31) is to be the last player remaining. NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 8 players MATERIALS:  A modified 52-card deck, Chips or money, and a flat surface.  TYPE OF GAME:  Commerce Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adult OVERVIEW OF SCHWIMMWN Schwimmer AKA 31 is a commerce style card game for 2 to 8 players. The game is played elimination-style so the last player standing wins. Players compete over a series of rounds to make the highest valued hands possible. The player with the lowest value will be punished and possibly eliminated.  SETUP  Before the game begins players should all receive the same number of chips or coins. the usual number is three but the more chips the longer the game. Then the deck will need to be modified. This is done by removing cards 2 through 6 from the deck.  The first dealer is random and passes to the left for each new round. The dealer will shuffle the deck and deal each player a hand of three and an extra hand of


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  HOOLA OBJECT OF HOOLA:  The object of Hoola is to have the least amount of points in your hand at the end of the game NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 to 5 players MATERIALS:  A standard 52-card deck, Chips or money, and a flat surface.  TYPE OF GAME:  Rummy Card Game AUDIENCE:  Adult OVERVIEW OF HOOLA Hoola is a rummy style card game for 2 to 5 players. The goal of the game is to hold the fewest amount of points in hand when the game is over. To do this you will need to meld cards from hands or play on other players melds.  Stakes are paid out at the end of the game so players should determine stake amounts before the game is started.  SETUP  The first dealer is chosen at random. If more than one game is played the next dealer is the previous winner. The dealer will shuffle the deck and deal each player a hand of 7 cards. Then one card from the top of the undealt deck is flipped to start a discard pile. the remaining cards are placed facedown as the stockpile for the game.  Card Ranking and Va


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  HOLA OBJECT OF HOLA:  The object of Hola is to be the first player or team to score the needed number of points.  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2, 4, or 6 players MATERIALS:  One (or Two for 6 players) 52-card standard deck(s), a way to keep score, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME:  Trick-Taking Card Game AUDIENCE:  10+ OVERVIEW OF HOLA Hola is a trick-taking card game. it can be played with 2, 4, or 6 players. If playing with 4 or 6 partnerships are made with partners sitting between two opponents. The goal of the game is to win cards worth points during tricks. this is done by matching the rank of the led card or by playing a wild card.  In a 2 or 4 player game player will determine before the game begins how many points will be needed to win. This can be anywhere from 200 to 500 points. For a 6-player game 500 points are needed to win.  SETUP  The first dealer is chosen at random. The dealer will shuffle the deck (or 2 deck for 6 players) and deal each player a 4-card hand. The remaining ca


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  HOCKEY OBJECT OF HOCKEY:  The object of Hockey is to score the most goals by the end of the game.  NUMBER OF PLAYERS:  2 players MATERIALS:  A 52-card standard deck, a way to keep score, and a flat surface. TYPE OF GAME:  Fishing Card Game AUDIENCE:  10+ OVERVIEW OF HOCKEY Hockey is a fishing game made for 2 players. The goal of the game is to have more goals than your opponent by the end of the game. This is achieved by playing certain cards to achieve a breakaway. Achieving two breakaways in a row, without interference from the other player, awards you with a goal.  There are three periods to a game. A period is finished when the whole deck has been played through by the two players. If needed a fourth period is used to resolve ties.  SETUP  The first dealer is chosen at random and changes for each period. The dealer will shuffle the deck and deal both players, 5 cards each. After these have been played 5 more cards each will be dealt. This is repeated until 12 cards remain. In the